Friday, February 6, 2009

New member aboard!

I mean, we have a new member of the board, by appointment of our beloved investors Southeastern Asset Management. Some people have been showing some reluctance to the election of Rahul to the board, as he served in the past in Fannie Mae and Merril Lynch. Hey, what's up to you boys? Everybody has a past, and I'd rather a man with a past than someone with no experience... and Merril Lynch was not that bat at last, they managed to sell it to Bank of America. Maybe we need someone like Rahul... (or maybe not, the shares are going high today!!!).
Anyway, I didn't choose him, it was just a request from Southeastern, so if everything goes wrong, it is not my fault...


Anonymous said...

Ha! I have one up'd cha'!
We are hiring x-gov Blogoyevech!

Fake Scott said...

Ballm, you are the (second) best!
Only after me, of course, but I remind you that we are not hiring, this new member of the Board was imposed by our major stockholder...

Pal, we had a great time in (fake)Davos, pity you couldn't come this time. Come to my place, I have some souvenirs for you (bring the beer, I'll do some stuff at the BBQ).